Mechanic’s Assistant

AUR10120 Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation

The Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation is to be introduced to the Automotive industry and some basic skills and knowledge that will help them as they move towards a Traineeship or Apprenticeship.

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With this qualification you undertake a range of simple tasks under close supervision such as induction or probationary periods for automotive retail, service and repair employment. It may also be suitable for a cadetship, or part time and casual employment positions where a full range of skills are not required.

The Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation qualification is made up of 8 units.
Core: 5 Units
Elective : 3 Units

Unit Code & Name
Core/ Elective
AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace
AURTTK102 Use and maintain tools and equipment in an automotive workplace
AURETR103 Identify Automotive Electrical Systems and components
AURLTA101 Identify Automotive Mechanical Systems and components
AURETR006 Solder electrical wiring and circuits
AURETR115 Inspect, test and service batteries
AURTTA104 Carry out servicing operations

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification. However, at MECHANIST, we assess a potential leaners’ capability through our Pre-Training Review process which includes an assessment of your Language Literacy and Numeracy skills.

There are no limitations to entry based on age, gender, social or educational background. However, as the course requires physical activity, students should be aware that they will need to be physically capable of completing the course activities, such as being able to stand for long periods of time.

Enquire Now for specific entry requirements depending upon your circumstances.

Further training pathways from this qualification include any Certificate II qualification within the Automotive Industry Retail, Service and Repair Training Package or other relevant qualifications.

At Mechanist, we offer our qualification both as Apprenticeship and Non-apprenticeship.

On Campus delivery combined with Structured Work Placement enables you to gain a full qualification. Learners will be required to attend structured Workshop Sessions at a MECHANIST Campus, one day per week and a minimum of 4 weeks Structured Work Placement in an Automotive Mechanical workplace.

Government Subsidised
Full fee
South Australia
Resources Fee
Tuition Fee
Total Fee

Before you start

It’s helpful to make a list of any training or study you’ve done or are doing now (even if it’s not finished), including:

  • qualification level (for example, Certificate II, Degree)
  • whether it was government-subsidised
  • when you started.

Do this before you start the Eligibility Checker.

Eligibility Check & Register
APPLY NOW (Non-Apprenticeship)
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